According to the legal regulations (framework agreements according to Section 39a of the Social Code V), inpatient hospices are intended for a limited group of people in a specific life situation. Admission to an inpatient hospice is possible for terminally ill people if:
We take people in
Admission takes place regardless of the nationality, religion, lifestyle and financial possibilities of the requesting patient.
The request for admission to the Lohe Hospice can be made by the sick person themselves, their relatives, the treating doctor, the nursing service or the hospital's social services. We invite the inquiring patient or their relatives to an initial information meeting at lebensHAUS to take a look at our house and discuss all questions personally.
The Lohe Hospice submits applications to the health and nursing care insurance for approval and cost assurance for hospice admission. To do this, the treating family doctor or hospital doctor must confirm the need for inpatient hospice care. Health and nursing care insurance companies will check the application and then make a decision at short notice. Admission to hospice is also possible if no level of care has yet been reached.
If approval is given, we can admit the requesting patient if there is a free space. The treating doctor can prescribe medical transport for admission.
The daily rate recognized by health and nursing care insurance companies for caring for a hospice guest at the Lohe Hospice is currently €444.02. This includes all hospice services for care, support, accommodation and meals. The treating doctor and the pharmacy bill their services directly to the health insurance company. The health and nursing care insurance companies cover 95% of the stated daily rate. The Lohe Hospice has to raise 5% of the daily rate from its own funds, so that the health and nursing care insurance companies pay €421.82 per day and guest. Hospice guests only have to cover the practice fee for the treating doctor and any additional payments for medical prescriptions (e.g. for medication) as well as additional personal costs (e.g. for telephone, hairdresser, etc.). The private health and nursing care insurance companies and the benefit agencies also generally cover the costs of inpatient hospice care.
The accepted daily rate of €444.02 is our actual costHowever, n per place per day is not covered. In order to guarantee the intensity and quality of care and support we strive for, costs of approximately €512 per place per day arise - particularly due to the high level of staffing. Therefore, the Lohe Hospice not only has to raise 5% of the daily rate itself, but also up to 18% of the actual costs (the difference between the actual costs of €512 and the reimbursement by health and care insurance companies of €421.82). . In 2021, around 295,000 euros will be required to make up for this shortfall. For this we rely on broad support.