
New building hospice in Bühren near Nienburg/Weser

The opening is planned by the end of 2025

“Help us so that we can continue to help”

Dear visitor,

we take you on a journey.

Imagine there is a stranger standing to your right and left. You take him by the hand and you suddenly become something more. Now imagine that countless more people are added. Each of you takes the person next to you by the hand. In the end, a circle is created in the middle of the house as a heart. Now imagine that all of you, as a community, hand in hand, form the cycle that keeps the heart alive.

First of all, we would like to tell you something about us... as you have already read above, our goal is to be able to open our doors at the end of 2025. However, there is still a long way to go until then.

For this reason, we would like to tell you what we have already achieved so far and what things are still going on at the same time that no one is aware of.

We have already put together a team that obtains a lot of information from everywhere in order to be able to offer the best possible care.

With the support of the Weser-Aue community, a great plot of land in the countryside was found and a matching building was created by an architect. A building application for this is currently being processed.

Discussions have taken place with other hospices.

We recently founded an association because one is necessary for opening a hospice.

Now you are probably wondering how this wonderful idea came about. For this we will go a little further.

We describe ourselves as a small family business in the heart of Nienburg. We are APB GmbH. An outpatient care service that has been working for and with people in need of care for 20 years. Therefore, the matter is more than just familiar to us. We also see the emergency in this regard every day.

And the frightening plight of not being able to help sick people enough, or the fact that the nearest hospice is 30 kilometers away, there are waiting lists and this offers no noticeable improvement, gave rise to the idea of building a hospice in our area .

Of course, we are well aware of the nursing staff shortage. We are open to any interested person who would like to apply to us. Of course, we also train specialists and offer qualified guidance to career changers.

Founding and opening a hospice is a matter of the heart. Those we will take care of later have a diagnosis for which outpatient care structures are no longer sufficient and complex treatment is necessary. The treatment can also continue into the final phase of life, during which we provide support. Caring for these people requires a lot of time, understanding, care, patience and recognition.

We therefore always work with the aim of offering our guests the best possible care in this phase of life, which should offer them a dignified and self-determined life until the end.

It probably won't come as a surprise to you, but in order to be able to do all of this, a lot of support is necessary. However, the fact that the construction of a hospice has to be financed primarily through donations may come as surprising news to some people.

We are therefore dependent on every possible donation and are happy about every single helping hand, which leads us step by step, hand in hand, closer to our goal. Every donation we receive is transparently visible to everyone. So every cent helps the heart beat.

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